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Thursday, 14 January 2016


The Network marketing or Multi-level marketing (MLM) industry boasts of being the next biggest industry and the 21st century business, flaunting a number of millionaires in all the continents. But is this sentiment
really held true by the majority of the populace? Lets find out... From the results of a recent survey carried out by Babel Wealth team in the Nigerian city of Ibadan, it was observed that five to ten percent of the respondents had mixed or indifferent opinions about MLM, eighty to eighty-five percent outrightly decried the subject of MLM, while less than five percent held auspicious notions. In general, the residents of Ibadan and possibly other states held an ideology of the MLM industry akin to a ponzi scheme. in another survey for past MLM indulgers, we found that ninety-five percent of failures in network marketing was due to illiteracy on the dynamics of network marketing. It is a popular saying that the average African man is a poor reader, but this impassableness of the MLM industry is pandemic across the world.
In this article, I will be dealing with product-based MLM. I will attempt to educate MLM indulgers on how to make practical and measurable progeress in the industry. First, there are quite a number of factors that signalize a plausible product-based MLM company, listed below are a handful:
a. Effective and authentic products;
b. Conducive policies;
c. Generally appealing and extricate incentive package.
I will not expatiate much on each, but take it that positiveness in these three factors is the principal tool for growing your network and product sales. The dominance and continuity of a product-based MLM company in the market is primarily a function of factor A. For a company with less effective or bogus product, time of entry is the pointer for success or failure in that those who register at inception are placed at the top of the hierarchic chain, while the late comers  are the loosers, forming on a graph sheet a highly exponential log phase and a similar lag phase. These can be classified as ponzi schemes, and no sensible hustler like me will want to invest his hard earned money under such a company's distributor. Policies that appear too stringent especially in bonuses pay-out eligibility, distributorship validation, and etcetera often scare away downlines, because nobody enjoys the risk of being denied his/her 'rightful' earning. The greatest encourager is a decent wage, therefore your companies incentive package can spare the descant.
Here are a few tips on increasing product patronage:
- Give out samples,
- Live your product,
- Go electronic (e-commerce),
- Target aerial opportunities,
- Always have a sample within reach, it can come in handy.

Tips for growing your network network
- Educate yourself on MLM,
- Know your business: thoroughly understand the business structure,
- Do not coerce, threaten people to join your network,
- Use your influence wisely and effectively: command your house after you like the biblical Abraham,
- Give your prospects updates on your network expansion and incentive payments,
- Go electronic: increase your area of coverage,
- Build a team: Go solo if you want to go fast, but go en masse if you want to go far,
- Build your impelling power,
- Package yourself: Nobody wants to follow a looser,
- Be sociable: Increase your business network through social networking,
- Get a catchy pitch line.

Keep in touch for more expositions on this subject. with thorough and full ingestion of just this article, you're on the way to making your MLM empire solid and impassible.
If you want to join my network of succeeding people, please contact me by text messaging or whatsapp on +234816 447 4168 or via email:
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Bye for now...

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