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Sunday, 17 November 2013


how to save time for business

Often, you can do something you're not knowledgeable about or skilled at yourself. But at what cost? There's a time trade-off. That time could have been invested in some highest and best use, yielding far more in profit than the money saved by the do-it-yourself activity you are ill-prepared for.
You can get everything done by whoever is most conveniently available, who offers the cheapest price—but at what cost? Having to micro-manage an untrustworthy provider or oversee getting something attempted three times before it's done right has a time cost and, if your time has value, is a false bargain.
Or you can seek out the best available expert, pay his price or fee, and get the best advice or service, get the task done right the first time, and be free of worry, stress or battles so you can concentrate on the highest and best use of your time. I have long sought access and support from the best provider I could find in any and every category as a means of buying time by buying expertise and reliability, and I have always been prepared to “overpay” in order to be their client, customer, or patient. I began this practice when it was a financial hardship, and I know it was more difficult then than now, when money is no longer an issue. I also know that the habit of choosing false bargains can forever prohibit you from getting to the level of successful accomplishment where money is no longer an issue!
It may surprise you to know that there are coaches for just about everything. Highly successful people are not at all unwilling to buy coaching—in fact, they are more prone to do so, at significant fees, than the average person. It's not at all uncommon for entrepreneurs to have a private coach who acts as sounding board, confidante, advisor, creative muse, quasi-therapist and accountability proctor. The money you spend for this can be a bargain because a small amount of time given to very focused discussion with an exceptionally knowledgeable coach can sharply raise the value of all your other time.
When you're going to hire an advisor, consultant coach, or other expert, it's important to accurately assess their expertise. Here are four questions to consider.
1. Has the expert actually done the thing he is advising you about? Or is he an academic theorist giving book reports? You can’t rule the latter kind of advisor out entirely. But generally speaking, I want my financial advisor to be a successful investor. I don’t want a fat doctor who smokes. You can waste a lot of time on self-appointed experts eager to spend somebody else’s money.

2. Is the expert current? There are a lot of “former” and “ex” folks who hang out the expert advisor shingle after exiting the game, and are soon advising from waning memory rather than practical experience.

3. Does the expert have satisfied clients? A good, general, time-saving, disaster-preventing litmus test that entrepreneurs should apply to anybody they're considering relying on for advice is: Are there at least three other successful entrepreneurs who have done more than one deal with them? Are there at least three other successful entrepreneurs who have relied on them over a lengthy period of time or repeatedly?

4. Do you understand what your chosen expert is doing and how he does it? A poser can make off with a lot money from people who should have known better and were more victims of their own greed and willful blindness than of him. Never blindly delegate to mystics. If you can’t understand how the investment makes money, how the sales strategy works, how the expert’s advice about anything works—run.
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