The Skills You Need to Build a Great Business
What makes someone a successful
entrepreneur? It certainly helps to have strong technology skills or expertise in akey area, but these are not defining characteristics of entrepreneurship. Instead, the key qualities are traits such as creativity, the ability tokeep going in the face of hardship, and the social skills needed to build great teams.
If you want to start a business, it's essential to learn the specific skills that underpin these qualities. It's also important to develop entrepreneurial skills if you're in a job role where you're expected to develop a
business, or "take things forward" more generally.
In this article, we'll look at the skills you need to be a successful entrepreneur, and we'll explore resources that you can use to develop the traits needed for success.
Defining Entrepreneurship
Some define entrepreneurs as people who start and build successful businesses. Entrepreneurship doesn't necessarily involve starting your own business. Many people whodon't work for themselves are recognized as entrepreneurs within their organizations. Regardless of how you define an
"entrepreneur," one thing is certain: becoming a successful entrepreneur isn't easy.
What i do know is that successful entrepreneurs seem to have certain traits in common. I've gathered these
traits into four
Personal characteristics.
Interpersonal skills.
Critical and creative thinking skills.
Practical skills.
I'll now examine the first category in more detail, and look at some of the questions you will need to ask yourself if you want to become a successful entrepreneur.
Personal Characteristics
First, examine your personal characteristics, values, and beliefs. Do you have the mindset that's typical of successful entrepreneurs?
Optimism: Are you an optimistic thinker? Optimism is truly an asset, and it will help get
you through the tough times.
Vision: Can you easily see where things can be improved? Can you quickly grasp the "big picture," and explain this to others? And can
you create a compelling vision of the future, and then inspire other people to engage with
that vision?
Initiative: Do you have initiative, and instinctively start problem-solving or business improvement projects?
Desire for Control: Do you enjoy being in charge and making decisions?
Are you motivated to lead others?
Drive and Persistence: Are you self-motivated and energetic?
And are you prepared to work hard, for a very long time, to realize your goals?
Risk Tolerance: Are you able to take risks, and make decisions when facts are uncertain?
Resilience: Are you resilient , so that you can pick yourself up when things don't go as planned? And do you learn and grow from your mistakes and failures? (If you avoid taking action because you're afraid of failing, my article on Overcoming Fear of Failure which is soon to be published can
help you face your fears and move forward.)
In my next article, we shall examine the other broad 3 categories in detail.
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